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June 19, 2010


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Crying at my desk. I know she's running up there with all of our old beloved doggies and they are having a blast. Bye Schleppy.


Oh, thank you Jenny for these sweet words.


oh, Niner! :( I don't even usually like dogs, but Nina had me from that first ridiculous floppy-eared face-on-the-table pizza-beg at your old apartment by Sing Sing. Glad I read this at home, because I'm crying at my desk too. My thoughts are with all of you.


I'm reading your blog tonight and it's like losing Einstein all over again. My mom and I both cried this weekend talking about Nina. She was a good friend; she snuggled with me at night at let me hug her tight when I'd visit and miss Einey. I'm sure Nina-Beans and Einey-Weiney are feasting on cheese and treats somewhere right now. Remember that photo of them curled up like a black-and-yellow yin and yang?

the Colonel

My condolences.

And my thanks: for introducing me to Nina, for trusting Carol Helen and I to dispense the treats during your Spanish sojourn, for sharing this sad news so poignantly.

No doubt the squirrels do run slowly in the Great Beyond and no doubt in my soul that that Hereafter is one and the same for us all -- no canine ghetto "Doggy Heavens", no segregation of the soul, just one big Eternity where that which is eternal in everyone and everything that has lived and died rests and resides and awaits and abides until those of us left in this life manage to catch up.

And while she's waiting, I'm pretty sure Nina will be farting.


I was heartbroken when I got Trey's email- I'm so sorry to hear about Nina. Considering that I pray for ever animal that I see lying on the side of the road (I'm weird, I know), I firmly believe she's now in heaven chewing on all the chicken bones I wouldn't let her have when I dog sat. We had a bit of a rough time together due to my stupid trial (still sorry about your bathroom paint job), but she was incredibly sweet and I know how much joy she brought to your lives. Wish I could be there to give you all hugs.




Over here from Balloon Juice, and I am in tears at my desk too. My 13 yo black lab Max may soon be running with Nina chasing those squirrels too.


Crying at my desk. I did not know Nina nor any of you but I know what a horrible heartache it is to lose a cherished pet who shared so many years of your life.


I'm so sorry. Balloon Juice sent me and I hope if there's a Meadow, my three ferrets have found her and are dancing around her in greeting.



Oh I am so sorry. Am crying for Nina and for my own dogs. Thanks for the beautiful post. Your love for her is so amazing and true and I know she had a great life.

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